Time to get to work talking about… work! Discussing your profession in Italian requires a new list of vocabulary. So here’s a chance to brush up on some of the words and phrases you’ll need most when talking about your job.
Basic work-related terms in Italian
Before talking about specific jobs, let me introduce a few useful basics for talking about jobs and occupations in Italian.
Italian | English |
Lavoro | Job |
Impiego | Job, employment |
Professione | Profession |
Occupazione | Occupation |
Mestiere | Profession, vocation, job |
Carriera | Career |
Azienda, impresa, ditta | Company |
Startup | Startup |
Stipendio | Salary |
Datore di lavoro | Employer |
(Lavoratore) dipendente | Employee |
Libero professionista | Freelance, self-employed |
Centro per l’impiego, ufficio di collocamento | Job centre |
Opportunità di lavoro | Job vacancy |
Curriculum vitae, curriculum, CV | Résumé, CV |
Lettera di accompagnamento | Cover letter |
Colloquio di lavoro, colloquio conoscitivo | Job interview |
Tirocinio, stage (pronounced /staʒ/) | Internship |
Stagista | Trainee |
Formazione | Training |
Lavoro temporaneo / a tempo determinato / parasubordinato | Temporary role |
Lavoro stagionale | Seasonal work |
Lavoro occasionale | Occasional work |
Lavoro su turni | Shift work |
Lavoro autonomo (in proprio) | To be self-employed, to work as a freelancer |
Lavoro dipendente a tempo indeterminato | Permanent work, permanent contract |
Volontariato | Voluntary work |
Questions and answers
If you want to ask someone about their profession, you will have to say:
Italian | English |
Mi occupo di… | I work in… |
Mi occupo di sicurezza sul lavoro | I work in the job security sector. |
It is very common for English speakers to ask a new acquaintance what their job is. Asking someone about their profession is one of the most common things to do when making small talk with them. However, in Italy, asking what someone does for a living is considered a very personal question.
If you have to ask, be sure to preface or end your question with “Se non sono indiscreto/a…”, which corresponds to “If you don’t mind me asking ...”.If you are being asked the question, you can respond with:
Here are some examples:
Italian | English |
Faccio la traduttrice / Sono una traduttrice | I’m a translator, I work as a translator. |
Mio padre fa l’avvocato / Mio padre è un avvocato | My father is a lawyer, My father works as a lawyer. |
Here are some other possible answers and ways of talking about your job in Italian:
Italian | English |
Mi occupo di… | I work in… |
Mi occupo di sicurezza sul lavoro | I work in the job security sector. |
Italian | English |
Lavoro come… | I work as… |
Lavoro come receptionist presso un hotel del centro | I work as a receptionist in a downtown hotel. |
Italian | English |
Lavoro nel/nella… | I work in… |
Lavoro nelle pubbliche relazioni | I work in public relations. |
Italian | English |
Viaggio molto per lavoro | I travel a lot on business. |
Enter your teSto cercando lavoro | I am looking for a job.xt here... |
Mi piace il mio lavoro | I like my job. |
Amo il mio lavoro | I love my job. |
Non mi piace il mio lavoro | I don’t like my job |
Ho sempre desiderato fare... | I have always wanted to be a… |
Da grande mi piacerebbe fare… | I would like to be a… when I grow up |
Italian Professions
There are over five billion jobs in the world. It is impossible to list all possible professions, but there are some common ones you should know.
The vast majority of Italian occupation nouns have a masculine form ending in -o and a feminine one ending in -a.
Istruzione – Education
Italian | English |
Insegnante (m/f) | Teacher, instructor |
Professore / professoressa | Teacher, professor |
Maestro/a | Elementary school teacher |
Maestro/a d’asilo | Kindergarten teacher, preschool teacher |
Educatore / educatrice | Educator, teacher, instructor |
Docente universitario | Lecturer, professor |
Tutor (m/f) | Tutor |
Preside (m/f) | Principal, headmaster, school supervisor |
Dirigente scolastico (m/f) | School head, school principal |
Rettore (m/f) | Dean, chancellor |
Bidello/a | Janitor, custodian |
Medical & Health
Italian English
Medico (m/f) Doctor
Dottore / dottoressa Doctor
Infermiere/a Nurse
Chirurgo (m/f) Surgeon
Paramedico Paramedic
Psicologo/a Psychologist
Psicoterapeuta (m/f) Psychotherapist
Psichiatra (m/f) Psychiatrist
Neurologo/a Neurologist
Pediatra (m/f) Pediatrician
Cardiologo/a Cardiologist
Radiologo/a Radiologist
Dentista, odontoiatra (m/f) Dentist
Oculista (m/f) Ophthalmologist, eye doctor
Dermatologo/a Dermatologist
Ortopedico/a Orthopedist
Omeopata (m/f) Homeopath, expert in homeopathic remedies
Ginecologo/a Gynecologist
Ostetrico/a Obstetrician
Urologo/a Urologist
Farmacista (m/f) Pharmacist, chemist
Igienista dentale (m/f) Dental hygienist
Veterinario/a Vet
Biologo/a Biologist
Sicurezza – Public safety
Italian English
Poliziotto/a Policeman, cop
Agente Police officer
Carabiniere Carbineer
Gendarme Policeman, police officer
Guardia giurata Security guard
Vigile del fuoco, pompiere Fireman
Soldato / soldatessa Soldier
Ispettore / ispettrice Inspector
Investigatore / investigatrice Detective
Ristorazione – Food
Italian English
Ristoratore / ristoratrice Restaurant owner, restaurateur
Cuoco/a Cook, chef
Capocuoco Head chef, executive chef, chef de cuisine
Aiuto cuoco Chef’s assistant, assistant chef
Capo partita Chef de partie, station chef
Saucier (pronounced /sosje/) Sauté chef, saucier
Pizzaiolo Pizza chef
Sommelier Sommelier, wine steward
Cameriere / cameriera Server, waiter/waitress
Barista (m/f) Bartender, barman/barmaid
Settore legale – Legal
Italian English
Avvocato Lawyer, attorney, solicitor
Magistrato Magistrate
Procuratore Attorney, lawyer, counselor
Pubblico ministero, PM Prosecutor
Ufficiale giudiziario Officer of justice
Giudice Judge, magistrate
Giudice di pace Justice of the peace, small claims judge
Business, ufficio – Business, office
Italian English
Impiegato/a Office worker, clerk
Direttore / direttrice Company director
Centralinista (m/f) Telephone operator, switchboard operator
Segretaria/o Secretary
Ragioniere / ragioniera Accountant
Venditore, commerciale Salesperson, sales rep
Agente immobiliare (m/f) Real estate agent
Manager (m/f) Manager
Consulente (m/f) Consultant
Contabile (m/f) Bookkeeper
Commercialista (m/f) Accountant
Notaio (m/f) Notary
Esattore fiscale Tax collector
Geometra (m/f) Surveyor
Ingegnere (m/f) Engineer
Imprenditore / imprenditrice Entrepreneur
Banchiere / banchiera Banker
Intermediario finanziario Stockbroker
Architetto/a Architect
Ricercatore / ricercatrice Researcher
Programmatore / programmatrice Programmer
Promotore / promotrice Promoter
Editoria – Publishing
Italian English
Scrittore / scrittrice Writer
Romanziere / romanziera Novelist
Redattore / redattrice Editor
Editore / editrice Publisher
Traduttore / traduttrice Translator
Correttore di bozze / correttrice di bozze Proofreader
Giornalista (m/f) Journalist
Pubblicista (m/f) Contributing editor
Copywriter (m/f) Copywriter
Interprete (m/f) Interpreter
Illustratore / illustratrice Illustrator
Intrattenimento – Entertainment
Italian English
Cantante (m/f) Singer
Attore / attrice Actor/actress, Thespian, performer
Drammaturgo/a Playwright
Regista (m/f) Filmmaker
Musicista (m/f) Musician, performer
Pianista (m/f) Pianist
Chitarrista (m/f) Guitarist, guitar player
Sassofonista (m/f) Saxophonist
Batterista (m/f) Drummer, percussionist
Bassista (m/f) Bassist, bass player
Compositore / compositrice Composer
Ballerino/a Dancer
Coreografo/a Choreographer
Modello/a Model
Presentatore / presentatrice Television presenter
Cameraman Camera operator, cameraman
Costumista (m/f) Costume designer
Truccatore / truccatrice Makeup artist
Disc jockey, DJ (m/f) Disc jockey
Arte – art
Italian | English |
Artista (m/f) | Artist |
Scultore / scultrice | Sculptor |
Pittore / pittrice | Painter |
Restauratore / restauratrice | Art conservator |
Critico/a d’arte | Art critic |
Fotografo/a | Photographer |
Designer (m/f) | Designer |
Fumettista (m/f) | Cartoonist |
Disegnatore / disegnatrice di cartoni animati | Animator |
Manual work
Italian English
Operaio/a Manual worker, laborer
Operatore edile, muratore construction worker, mason
Artigiano/a Craftsman
Imbianchino/a House painter
Tecnico/a Technician repairman
Meccanico Mechanic
Elettricista Electrician
Idraulico/a Plumber
Falegname Carpenter, woodworker
Calzolaio/a Shoemaker
Giardiniere/a Gardener
Fabbro Blacksmith
Piastrellista Tiler, tile setter
Tappezziere Upholsterer
Marmista Marble worker
Agricoltore, contadino/a Farmer
Pescatore Fisherman
Allevatore / allevatrice Breeder, farmer, cowman
Minatore Miner
Trasporti – Transportation
Italian English
Conducente di autobus Bus driver
Macchinista Train driver
Camionista, autotrasportatore Truck driver, lorry driver
Taxista, tassista Cabdriver, taxi driver
Pilota Pilot
Corriere Courier
Ferroviere Railway worker
Commercio – Commerce, trade
Italian English
Negoziante (m/f) Shopkeeper
Commerciante (m/f) Retailer, shopkeeper
Commesso/a Sales assistant, shop assistant
Cassiere/a Cashier
Pasticciere / pasticciera Pastry chef, confectioner
Fornaio/a, panettiere/a Baker
Salumiere/a Grocer
Fruttivendolo/a Greengrocer
Macellaio/a Butcher
Pescivendolo/a Fish seller
Fioraio/a Florist
Giornalaio/a, edicolante Newsstand, newsagent
Gioielliere/a Jeweler
Orefice Jewelry maker
Ottico/a Optician
Orologiaio/a Watchmaker
Antiquario/a Antique dealer
Parrucchiere/a Hairdresser
Barbiere Barber
Lattaio/a Milkman, milkwoman
Libraio/a Bookseller
Estetista Beautician, esthetician
Lavandaio / lavandaia Laundryman / laundress
Turismo – Tourism
Italian English
Agente di viaggi (m/f) Travel agent
Guida turistica (m/f) Travel guide
Accompagnatore turistico / accompagnatrice turistica Tour guide
Guida alpina (m/f) Mountain guide
Assistente di volo, hostess (f.), steward (m.) Flight attendant
Programmatore turistico, travel organizer Travel organizer
Responsabile del booking Booking manager
Animatore / animatrice Holiday resort entertainer
Bagnino/a, guardaspiaggia Lifeguard
Receptionist Receptionist
Travel designer Travel designer
Affittacamere Landlord, landlady
Travel blogger Travel blogger
Skipper Skipper
Italian English
Atleta (m/f) Athlete
Allenatore / allenatrice Coach
Personal trainer (m/f) Personal trainer
Calciatore / calciatrice Footballer
Cestista Basketball player
Pallavolista Volleyball player
Tennista Tennis player
Sciatore Skier
Pugile / pugilessa Boxer
Pattinatore / pattinatrice Skater
Pilota motociclistico Motorcycle racer
Pilota automobilistico Racing driver
Arbitro Referee, umpire
Other jobs
Italian English
Educatore cinofilo / educatrice cinofila Dog trainer
Astronauta Astronaut
Astronomo Astronomer
Sarto/a Tailor
Postino/a, portalettere Postman/postwoman, mail carrier
Blogger Blogger
YouTuber YouTuber
Bibliotecario/a Librarian
Parroco, prete Priest
Carceriere, secondino Jailer
Maggiordomo Butler
Cartomante Fortune-teller, card reader
Usciere Doorman, usher
Addetto/a alle pulizie Cleaner
Operatore ecologico, netturbino Street cleaner
Marinaio Sailor
Politico/a Politician
Senatore / senatrice Senator
Tesoriere Treasurer
Economista Economist
Geologo/a Geologist
Tuttofare Handyman
Domestica, donna di servizio Maid
Impresario funebre, becchino (informal) Undertaker
Parcheggiatore Valet, car-parking attendant
Badante Caregiver
Pensionato/a Pensioner, retiree
Studente / studentessa Student
Casalinga Housewife
Disoccupato/a Unemployed
More work-related terms in Italian
Beyond the above, there are a few other work-related terms in Italian that you may find useful. Here they are:
Italian | English |
Socio/a | Partner, associate |
Capo (m/f) | Boss |
Cliente (m/f) | Client |
Collega (m/f) | Colleague |
Concorrente, competitor | Competitor |
Partita IVA | VAT number |
Ritenuta d’acconto | Withholding tax |
Aumento di stipendio | Pay raise |
Busta paga | Payroll |
Giorno libero, giorno di riposo | Day off from work |
Maternità, permesso di maternità | Maternity leave (time off work for a new mom) |
Aspettativa | Leave, leave of absence |
Contratto | Contract |
Esperienza lavorativa | Work experience |
Abilità | Skills |
Assunzione | Hiring |
Riunione | Meeting |
Incarico | Task |
Viaggio di lavoro | Business trip |
Fare gli straordinari | To work overtime |
Assumere | To hire |
Dimettersi, rassegnare le dimissioni | To quit, to resign |
Licenziare | To fire, to lay off |
Andare in pensione | To retire |
Sciopero | Strike |
Sindacato | Trade-union |
Agenzia delle Entrate | Italian Revenue Agency |
IVA | VAT tax |
INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale) | Social security service |
Disoccupazione | Unemployment |
“Good Job” in Italian
Italian English
Ottimo lavoro! Good job!, Well done!
Buon lavoro! Have a nice day at work!
Well done on getting through this lesson! Now you have all the necessary tools to talk about your job properly in Italian. A presto!
Awesome Work