Like in any language, the ability to ask questions is a crucial part of the language learning process. Our list of common Italian questions below will help provide you with the tools needed to ask questions in Italian.
Being able to ask basic questions will help give you the confidence to get out there and start speaking.
“Do you speak English?” in Italian
parla inglese?
When your attempts at speaking Italian have repeatedly failed, hit them with this question. Don’t leave home without it.
"Parla inglese?" "Parlo un po’ di inglese." | "Do you speak English?" "I speak a bit of English." |
“Where is the station?” in Italian
Dov'è la stazione?
When you find yourself lost and aimlessly wandering in search of your destination, this question can help get you out of a jam and get you on the right track.
"Mi scusi, dov'è la stazione?"
"Non è lontano da qui.""Excuse me, where is the station?
It is not far from here."
“Where is the bathroom?” in Italian
Scusi dov'è il bagno?
When you got to go, you better know how to ask for a bathroom in Italian. You will want to have this phrase memorized before your travels.
"Scusi dov'è il bagno?
"Seguimi, per favore.""Where is the bathroom?"
"Follow me please."
“How do you get to _____?” in Italian
Come si arriva in ______?
When you are looking to visit some of those famous Italian sights, there is no doubt you are going to want to know how to ask for directions. This question would come absolutely handy.
"Come si arriva in Piazza della Repubblica?"
"Continua a camminare dritto.""How do you get to the Piazza della Repubblica?"
"Keep walking straight."
“How much does it cost?” in Italian
Quanto costa?
When you are out shopping, you will need to know how to ask for the prices, regardless of whether you’re buying some simple souvenirs or some fancy Italian goods.
"Quanto costa?" "Venti euro." | "How much does it cost?" "Twenty euro." |
“What are you saying?” in Italian
Che dici?
This question has a variety of meanings depending upon the tone and accompanied hand gesture. It can be used as a “What do you think?” to something else entirely when an Italian has become frustrated with the words coming out of your mouth. Be sure to pay attention to the tone when you hear this phrase.
"Che dici?" "E’ meglio che leviamo le tende." | "What are you saying?" "It’s better for us to leave and go away from here." |
“Where are you going?” in Italian
Dove Vai?
When you are looking to make some polite conversation or you want to know where someone is going so you can tag along, try this question.
"Dove Vai?"
"Sto per mangiare""Where are you going?"
"I’m going to eat."
“Why are you sad?” in Italian
Perche sei triste?
A question used when someone is looking sad and you would like to know why or show your concern.
"Perche sei triste?"
"Il mio cane è malato.""Why are you sad?"
"My dog is sick."
“Who sings for me?” in Italian
Chi canta per me?
In the unusual event in which someone is singing and you want to know who’s singing for you, you will be prepared with this question.
In the unusual event in which someone is singing and you want to know who’s singing for you, you will be prepared with this question.
"Chi canta per me?"
"Chiedi perché al tuo fidanzato!""Who sings for me?"
"Ask your boyfriend why!"
“Who?” in Italian
One of the basic question words in Italian for finding out the identity of whomever someone is referring to.
"Chi è lui?"
"Lui è mio amico.""Who is he?"
"He is my friend."
“What?” in Italian
When you want to make a question in Italian, you better know what to ask. So make sure you memorize this super useful word.
"Cosa vuoi?"
"Voglio caffè""What do you want?"
"I want coffee."
“When?” in Italian
When time is of the essence, you will want to be able to ask people when the thing will happen.
"Andiamo insieme." "Va bene. Quando?" | "Let’s go together." "Alright. When?" |
“Where?” in Italian
If you don’t know how to properly use this question word, you may show up at the wrong place! Now try to avoid that by keeping in mind this handy word.
"Ho intenzione di studiare l'italiano."
"Dove?""I’m going to study Italian."
“How?” in Italian
Looks like “come” in English, but is actually disguised as a question word in Italian. How come?
"Come arrivare a Biblioteca?"
"Continua a camminare dritto.""How do you get to the library?"
"Keep walking straight."
“Why?” in Italian
“Why” in Italian can also mean “Because”. I don’t know why, maybe because it is easier that way. Why don’t you study more Italian and find out?
"Perché studi l'italiano?"
"Perché l'italiano è una bella lingua""Why do you study Italian?"
"Because it is a beautiful language."
Now that you have studied the list above, you will be asking questions with ease. Do not be afraid to get out there and start asking questions in Italian. How else are you supposed to make conversation?
If you would like to learn how to speak Italian, start by getting your copy of Italian Short Stories for Beginners. It has 10 delightful stories with built-in dictionary and comes with audio to help you practice your listening and speaking skills. Get it by clicking the image below!