Take a moment and think about how many times you’ve said the word “thanks” today. It’s probably more than you can count.
Learning how to give thanks and express gratitude in Italian is essential. In this article, we’ll take a look at the many different ways to say “thank you” in Italian.
Ready? Let’s get started!
The basics
Before we proceed to the different ways to say “thank you” in Italian, let us tackle the basic words first.
Ringraziare – To thank, to give thanks, to be thankful
Apprezzare – To appreciate
Grazie – Thanks
Ringraziamento – Thanks, gratitude
Gratitudine – Thankfulness, gratitude
Riconoscenza – Gratitude
Apprezzamento – Appreciation
Grato/a – Thankful
Ingratitudine – Ungratefulness, thanklessness
How to say “thank you” in Italian
There are several different ways to say “thank you” in Italian. Here they are.
Grazie – Thank you, thanks
In Italian, the most basic way to say “thank you” is grazie. This is the simplest form, often used as an automatic response to many everyday interactions.
For instance, when the waiter brings you the pizza alla diavola you ordered, you are expected to smile and say grazie.
Don’t be frugal with the use of grazie in Italy! You can use it in all types of contexts and situations, both formal and informal. Regardless of the region, province or dialect, the basic word to express your thanks in Italian is always grazie.
However, there are plenty of other phrases you can use to enhance your expression.
Grazie mille – Thanks a million, thank you very much
There will be times when a simple grazie just isn’t enough. Grazie mille corresponds to “thanks a million”, and adds more flourish to your everyday expression of gratitude. Mille means “thousand” in English, so literally you are saying “a thousand thanks”.
Grazie mille is the most common way of saying “thank you very much” in Italian. You can also switch the order around to create the expression mille grazie. I personally use it 90% of the time.
Molte grazie – Many thanks, thank you very much, thank you so much
Molte grazie is the second most popular way to say “thank you very much” in Italian. Literally translated as “many thanks”, molte grazie is slightly less emphatic than grazie mille.
Molte grazie per la bella chiacchierata – Many thanks for the lovely chat.
Tante grazie – Thanks a lot, thank you very much, thank you so much
Tante grazie is more or less identical to molte grazie. Both are more heightened versions of grazie. Molto and tanto are actually synonyms that mean a lot/many. When used with the plural feminine noun grazie, the adjectives must agree in gender and number. Molto becomes molte, and tanto becomes tante.
Tante grazie per l’ottima cena – Thank you so much for the excellent dinner.
Grazie infinite – Infinite thanks, thank you very much
Grazie infinite translates to “infinite thanks”. Use it when you really want to add emphasis.
Grazie davvero – Thanks, I really mean it
Grazie davvero is a powerful expression, similar to “thanks, I really mean it” in English. Use it when you are genuinely grateful for something and your message is deeply felt.
Grazie di cuore – Thanks with all my heart, a heartfelt thanks
When you are particularly thankful and want to express your deep feelings, say grazie di cuore, which has its almost literal equivalent in the English expression “thanks with all my heart”.
I would suggest reserving grazie di cuore for situations where you are truly thankful.
Grazie dal profondo del cuore – Thank you from the bottom of my heart
When someone does something really special for you, say grazie dal profondo del cuore, which means “thanks from the bottom of my heart”.
Grazie dal profondo del cuore per tutto quello che hai fatto per me – Thanks from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done for me.
Ti/La/vi ringrazio – Thank you
When you are especially grateful for something, it is appropriate to use the verb ringraziare (to thank) and include the direct pronoun as follows:
ti ringrazio (informal) – thank you
La ringrazio (formal) – thank you
vi ringrazio (plural) – thank you (when speaking to a group)
Let’s look at some examples:
Ti ringrazio per le belle parole – Thank you for your kind words.
La ringrazio molto, dottore. – Thank you very much, doctor.
Non ho parole per ringraziarti – I have no words to thank you
If someone in your life selflessly goes the extra mile to help you, show them your sincerest gratitude. The expression non ho parole per ringraziarti is appropriate for showing your utmost appreciation and gratefulness with sincerity.
Grazie di tutto – Thanks for everything
Grazie di tutto means “thanks for everything”. Use it to express that you truly, truly appreciated what someone has done for you.
Grazie comunque/grazie lo stesso – Thank you, anyway
When you ask something to someone and they can’t help you, you are expected to say grazie comunque or grazie lo stesso (thank you, anyway).
No, grazie – No, thanks
In response to an offer or proposal using grazie for both the positive (yes, please) and negative response (no, thanks) is normal. When declining an offer, a simple “no, grazie” is enough.
Here are some examples:
Vuoi una fetta di torta? No, grazie – Would you like a slice of cake? No, thanks.
How to pronounce “grazie”
While grazie is a short and simple word, pronunciation issues are actually common. Grazie is one of the most commonly mispronounced Italian words by non-native speakers.
As you can see, there’s an “e” at the end of the word grazie. Be sure to pronounce it clearly. The correct pronunciation is /graht-see-eh/.
It’s not grazi (/graht-see/). Leaving the “e” off is a common mistake many visitors and beginner learners make. The final “-e” in grazie is not silent. It sounds like an “eh”.
It’s not grazia. Grazie comes from the word grazia, meaning “grace” or “gracefulness” in Italian, but cannot be used interchangeably. The word grazie is a plural noun, and literally means “graces”. In the past, Italians used the formal expression “Vi rendo grazie”, meaning “I give you my many graces”.
It’s not grassi, which means “fat” in Italian.
It’s not gracias, which means “thank you”, but… in Spanish.
Formal ways to say thank you in Italian
In writing or if you wish to be more formal in expressing thanks, you can use the following expressions.
La ringrazio – Thank you
I miei ringraziamenti – All my gratitude
Porgo i miei sinceri e vivi ringraziamenti – I offer my sincere thanks
Porgo i miei più sinceri ringraziamenti – I offer my sincerest thanks
Sinceramente grazie – Sincere thanks
Cordialmente grazie – Cordial thanks
Which one should you use: “di” or “per”?
Saying what you are grateful for is a powerful way to express your gratitude and appreciation. Two prepositions that serve to introduce a noun or verb after grazie are:
per (for);
di (of).
They are generally interchangeable.
See some examples below:
Grazie per l’ospitalità / Grazie dell’ospitalità – Thank you for your hospitality.
Grazie per essere venuti alla mia festa / Grazie di essere venuti alla mia festa – Thanks for coming to my party.
Grazie per l’attenzione / Grazie dell’attenzione – Thanks for your attention.
How to say “you’re welcome” in Italian
When someone says grazie, it is customary and polite to say “you’re welcome”. There are different ways to say it in Italian.
Prego – You’re welcome
Di niente, di nulla – You’re welcome
Non c’è di che! – Not at all, no problem
Figurati! (informal) – Not at all
Si figuri! (formal) – Not at all
Ci mancherebbe! – Of course!
E di che? – You’re welcome
Non c’è problema – No problem
È stato un piacere – It’s been a pleasure